October Wrap-Up

 Hello, all and Happy Halloween!

Even though I managed to read a decent amount this month, I felt a little slumpy and like I didn't get to fully enjoy my favorite month. But it's ok! I still read some good ones, and I can just keep the spooky reading going for next month.


The Taking of Jake Livingston- Ryan Douglass; 3/5
All These Bodies- Kendare Blake; 2/5
Summer Sons- Lee Mandelo; 2/5
Firestarter- Stephen King; 3/5
Payback's a Witch- Lana Harper; 2/5
Small Favors- Erin A. Craig; 3/5
The Matzah Ball- Jean Meltzer; 2/5
Beasts of Prey- Ayana Gray; 3/5
Yours Cruelly, Elvira: Memoirs of the Mistress of the Dark- Cassandra Peterson; 4/5
The Portrait of Dorian Gray- Oscar Wilde; 3/5


Elementary Romantic Calculus- Susannah Nix; 3/5
Kingdom of the Cursed- Kerri Maniscalco; 4/5
Flower Crowns & Fearsome Things- Amanda Lovelace; 3/5
I Hate You More- Lucy Gilmore; 3/5
Window Shopping- Tessa Bailey; 5/5
A Shadow in the Ember- Jennifer L. Armentrout; 4/5


Ariel- Sylvia Plath; 3/5
The Witches of New York- Ami McKay; 3/5
Vespertine- Margaret Rogerson; 3.5/5
The Ex Hex- Erin Sterling; 4/5
Witch Hat Atelier, Vol. 8; 3/5
The Lights of Prague- Nicole Jarvis; 3/5
The Death of Jane Lawrence- Caitlin Starling; 3/5
The Other Bennet Sister- Janice Hadlow; 4/5

Some favorites were: Window Shopping, Kingdom of the Cursed, and The Ex Hex. Some least favorites were most of the audiobooks I listed to 🤷

How was your reading month? What was your favorite/least favorite?


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