Books to Add to Your Fall TBRs

Hello, all!

It's no secret that I think fall is the superior season in all aspects, particularly regarding reading. Here are just a few books that would be perfect additions to your TBRs for the coming months.

The Diviners- Libba Bray
YA - Historical Fiction/Paranormal

The Name of the Wind- Patrick Rothfuss
Adult - Fantasy

The Kiss Curse- Erin Sterling
Adult - Contemporary

Business Casual- B.K. Borison
Adult - Contemporary

A Natural History of Dragons- Marie Brennan
Adult - Historical Fantasy

Shady Hollow- Juneau Black
Adult - Cozy Mystery

One Dark Window- Rachel Gillig
Adult - Fantasy

If We Were Villains- M.L. Rio
Adult - Thriller

The Scandalous Confessions of Lydia Bennet, Witch- Melinda Taub
Adult - Historical Fantasy

A Dowry of Blood- S.T. Gibson
Adult - Horror

What are some books on your fall TBRs?


  1. I loved The Kiss Curse. It's a bit cheesy, but I love Halloween, so I don't care. I just finished reading If We Were Villains for the first time and I didn't love it as much as everyone else.


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