Series to Read/Re-Read in 2024

Hello, all!

For the last few years, I've picked different series I want to continue/start or re-read. Here are my picks for this year!

Starting with the new series I'd like to begin:

-The Stormlight Archive- Brandon Sanderson: 2023 was my year of Brandon Sanderson. I read the entire Mistborn trilogy and some of his secret project releases. I've had the Stormlight books on my radar forever, but they've always intimidated me. I don't usually love political heavy fantasy, so I'm worried I may not like them, but I want to, at least, give the first book a shot.

-Farseer Trilogy- Robin Hobb: This will be a continuation for me as I have read Assassin's Apprentice. I thought that one was okay, but I've heard the series gets way better in books two and three. And seeing as how I have three completed Robin Hobb trilogies on my shelves, I think it's time I read them.

-Villains- V.E. Schwab: This series was on my list of books to read for 2023, and that didn't happen, so here's hoping this year will be the one.

Now, onto the series I want to re-read:

-The Hunger Games- Suzanne Collins: The release of the latest movie has rekindled my love of this series. I recently rewatched all of the movies, so it's only fair to binge the books now. I also realized I've only ever read the books when they came out, so I'm interested to see if they'll still hold up. (Spoiler alert: I'm sure they will.) 

-The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi: I've been itching to pick this series back up since I bought these really pretty UK paperback editions earlier last year.

-The Heroes of Olympus- Rick Riordan: I re-read the Percy Jackson series for the fifth(? Honestly, it could be more) time in 2023, so naturally, I have to keep it going.

Are there any series you want to tackle this year?


  1. I re-read The Hunger Games last year on audio and it was one of my best decisions of the year. HIGHLY recommend!! And I want to start Heroes of Olympus this year! I re-read PJ books 1-4 and finally read the last one last year and I've been thinking about continuing ever since. The new show is also renewing my interest since I've been enjoying it so far!

    1. The show is so good so far! The casting is perfect.

    2. I read hero’s of Olympus and completely agree and recommend it to people of all ages.

    3. Same! It's such a great series.


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