Library Haul

Hello, all!

Does it feel like Christmas to anyone else when all their library holds come in at once?

1. Forget Me Not- Julie Soto
2. Over My Dead Body- Sweeney Boo
3. The Only One Left- Riley Sager
4. Where Are Your Boys Tonight?: The Oral History of Emo's Mainstream Explosion 1999-2008- Chris Payne
5. A Twisted Love Story- Samantha Downing
6. The Carnivale of Curiosities- Aimee Gibbs 


  1. I just read Over My Dead Body and it was a ton of fun! The art is gorgeous :-D

    1. I didn't realize it was a graphic novel, so I'm even more excited to pick it up!

  2. I haven't read a Riley Sager book in a while, I feel like most of his books turn out the same.

    1. Yeah, I find his books so formulaic, yet I still keep picking them up lol


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