Ghostsmith Review (House of the Dead, #2)

Hello, all!

I recently read Bonesmith by Nicki Pau Preto (review here) and was obsessed with it, so I couldn't wait for the follow-up, Ghostsmith, to see how this story would wrap-up.

Pub Date: 8-13-24
YA - Fantasy

Wren Graven has uncovered so many family secrets that she's left reeling. She has a twin brother she never knew existed; the mother she thought dead is the dreaded Corpse Queen, a ghostsmith with the power to control the undead, who created the unbeatable army of soldiers called the iron revenants; and the father she's sought her whole life to appease has betrayed her. And while Wren is left to grapple with her new powers, war is coming for the Dominions.

Determined to stop her parents, Wren, Julian, and Leo find themselves journeying into the Breach once more. But working together is easier said than done, with Julian still furious at Wren's double-cross, even if it was for his benefit. When Wren's twin brother shows up, offering his help to destroy the well of magic that feeds the iron revenants, Wren hesitantly agrees. As they travel together, Hawke starts to help Wren understand her new ghostsmith abilities, but when it comes down to it, can she trust him to do the right thing, or is she walking into another trap?

I'm so impressed with this duology. Everything from the world-building to the characters to the magic system was so well done. This book took all the elements that I loved from the previous one and expanded upon them. We got more insight into the history of the Dominions, the devastating events that led to the Breach, and the ghosts that came with it. We also see Wren grapple with and come to terms with her family history and what that means. She grew so much as a character. She is arrogant and selfish at first, but as the events unfold, she realizes she has the power to make a difference in their world, and it's so satisfying. I also loved seeing the secondary characters, especially Leo, shine in this. Overall, I thought it was a perfect way to wrap this series up, and it'll be one I'll be recommending for a long time.

Rating: 4/5


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